

In 2012, 9-year-old Wyatt Erber set out to win a local scavenger hunt hosted by First Cloverleaf Bank and earned a $1000 prize. His reason?  Not what you might think! He had competed with every intention of donating the money to a neighbor’s family whose 2-year old daughter Cara was battling cancer and requiring chemotherapy. Extremely moved by his proactive act of compassion and kindness, ENIN matched that prize money to help Cara and her family as they faced the unexpected.

Cara, diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) at 22 months is a proven fighter and responding amazingly well to treatment.

Deservedly so, Wyatt earned a lot of recognition locally and nationally about this caring act. And, we could not be prouder to know he’s part of our community’s future.


From Cara’s mom, Trisha: “What ENIN has done for our family is shown us a renewed faith in our community. We always knew we lived in a great town, but when you see people such as those at ENIN dedicating their time and energy to help those in need, it can do nothing but bring a smile to your heart. Directly they assisted us with bills; indirectly they have shown us the importance of helping others.”




Eric and Jen